Aeroplane, Steve Angello & Mylo - Drop The Superstar Knas
Saturday, March 31, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 8:51:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Hardcore truth
Who are you to judge people without knowing them?
Monday, March 26, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 1:00:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Reflection
i hate you
i didn't ask for your approval. i was seeking for support. but you turned your back on me and that just kicked me to the pit.
Sunday, March 25, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 8:08:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Hatred
什麼以後自己工作再去.............. 這根本是兩門子的事情,為什麼要扯進來?
posted by Karina Sun @ 7:46:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Reflection
Saturday, March 24, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:32:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Current Events
- (做香草香蕉Reese's巧克力蛋糕)+(感謝卡)*3 以謝謝老師
- 跑步跑步跑步訓練訓練訓練 - 四月七號的13K路跑
- 去九份玩
- 去中壢玩和吃牛肉麵
- 看翁山蘇姬
- 看海豹部隊
- 看飢餓遊戲 國際影城
- 看鞋貓劍客 二輪
- 四月中去尼泊爾?
posted by Karina Sun @ 2:04:00 PM 0 個腳印
Master of Pacific International Affairs, School of International Relations and Pacific Studies (IR/PS), UC San Diego.
根據USA News的說法,它在國際政治領域研究所排名全美第六,一到五分別是:Princeton (#1)、Stanford (#1)、Harvard (#3)、Columbia (#4)、Uni. of Michigan, Ann Arbor 。
被候補的 Johns Hopkins 反而是第十七。但整體而言,Johns Hopkins 名字好聽、又是私校,而且它的 School of Advanced International Studies 在華府,以後要找實習很容易,地理位置方便,離政治經濟中心和東部大都會相當有優勢。而且在東岸,有時候可買到便宜機票,一飛就到歐洲了......
問題就在它學費太貴..... 加上生活費要比UCSD高個幾十萬吧。雖然說UC系統的學費一直都很不便宜......
現在疑似UCSD有給我獎學金的機會,但是我不肯定,因為我覺得也有可能是我閱讀能力有問題,理解錯了它訊息裡的意思。但可以肯定的是我被錄取了,只是根據之前面試人員說的,我七月就會被要求過去上 Prep. courses,這裡指的是統計課。
但UCSD的另一個好處就是它在美麗的海邊...... 完美的海岸線可以去衝浪和趴板,還有鄰近Tijuana,可以放假跑去墨西哥或中美洲玩樂。又可以往上開到洛杉磯都會區,再開還可以到灣區、更北邊的優勝美地..... 每年的不曉得幾月,在內華達州還有 Burning Man Festival,完全是嘻皮的盛會,這種東西怎麼可以錯過呢?
重點在學院裡有個 Institute of Laws and Regulations(?),是位美麗的教授主持的計畫,研究發展中國家的法律和制度,試圖從中分析出獨裁者奪權的理論,等等等。那個教授是 Stanford 畢業的。當初準備面試時,研究了一下學院的教職人員,發現有滿多有趣的東西,這些學術的發展才是我的重點!
其實我有幻想過:讀完 UCSD 碩士後,看能不能申請 Stanford 博士,然後就可以待在美麗的灣區了。
雖然說約翰霍普金斯大學的名聲真的是一拿出來就砍死很多人...... 加州大學聖地牙哥分校,大家都還會問妳 UCSD 是南加大(USC)嗎?還是是.... UC...What? SD 是什麼的縮寫?
唉,UC 也太多了,難怪外行人搞不清楚。UC Davis、UC Berkeley、UC San Francsico、UC Santa Cruz、UC Santa Barbara、UC Irvine、UC San Diego,我還有漏掉什麼嗎?
但那麼多學校裡,可能也只有見識多的人才知道 UC San Francisco (UCSF) 的醫學和生物科技非常有名地好吧?是全美公立學校裡的地一把交椅,僅次於哈佛、約翰霍普金斯大學。UC Berkeley 的法學、商學、社會學、性別研究、工學院也非常有名,這大概就不用多說。
而 UC San Diego 有全加州大學系統裡唯一的國際關係學院(UC Berkeley 只有政治學),而且地理位置和歷史淵源和亞洲、太平洋脫離不了關係。亞太區域已經是未來的焦點所在,選擇 UCSD 一定不會比約翰霍普金斯差。但外行人不清楚這點。
所以我來替自己辯護一下:UCSD 的國際關係很好的!
我想要怒吃墨西哥菜、怒衝浪、怒加入LGBTQ Resource Center的QxN和酷酷的人們一起玩戶外運動!
萬一Johns Hopkins被我備到怎麼辦?
我可能還是要先比一下學費開支和其他好處吧...... 一個是標準的西岸生活,另一個是標準的東岸生活,差有點多!
posted by Karina Sun @ 1:05:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Murmurings, Reflection, U S and A
Gus Gus - Deep Inside
Thursday, March 22, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 12:25:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
darn it
freaking wait-listed by johns hopkins darn please wish me luck luck luck luck luck luck luck luck luck luck i have only few options at hand now how should i play or should i just leave the table i am so hesitant and anxious about the only pending grad program which has been the last among all the others the decision should come out this week freaking week but i am still waiting why is it so slow i am literally panicking over the result now because others' decisions have broken my heart and it is too weak to be torn apart again seriously i have no expectation now since i am almost ready for the worst situation am i how i wish all other admitted applicants would go to other programs and leave enough space for me to be not on the wait list but an enrolled ma student arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh luckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
posted by Karina Sun @ 12:24:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Murmurings, Wish
Death In Vegas - Your Loft My Acid (Fearless Transhouse Mix Long)
Wednesday, March 21, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:43:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:32:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Murmurings, Wish
Saturday, March 17, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 8:59:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life
posted by Karina Sun @ 2:10:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Murmurings, Music, Trivia
Geneva 2012: The World Premiere of the new Porsche Boxster
Monday, March 12, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 2:51:00 PM 0 個腳印
Sunday, March 11, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:29:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Hatred, Murmurings
Agnes - Who Loves The Sun (House Mix)
Friday, March 09, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 10:28:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
some updates
- Woke up at 7 and done a morning swim for an hour
- Woke up at 6:30 and done a morning swim for an hour and half
- Done a webcam interview with a grad school admission staff
- Need to do my Principles of Economics assignment
- Thinking to go to that nice cafe (Ink Coffee) downtown for some Belgium beer while doing my assignment (Must bring my laptop cause they've got free wifi)
Wednesday, March 07, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 12:36:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life
Quotation of the day
“People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”
— Albert Einstein
posted by Karina Sun @ 12:29:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Reflection
POLICA - Amongster (Official Music Video)
Sunday, March 04, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 10:24:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Bob Sinclar feat. Raffaella Carrà "Far l'Amore" - OFFICIAL VIDEO
Saturday, March 03, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:17:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

-- Plotinus