Hmm..I guess it's time to study...

嗯嗯...我想我要去讀書了...在沒幾個禮拜就要段考了...天啊!!!好煩喔!!Oh...After few weeks...there will be an exam again! Oh my god!! It drives me crazy!!!

1 個腳印:

Karina Sun said...

可是我家兔子很"瘋"...很喜歡從客廳邊跑邊跳的衝到廚房...在衝回來...還會一路跳跳跳,跳到樓梯上在爬到電腦螢幕上(家裡不是LCD)...非常的放肆...= =

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."
-- Plotinus