The Last King of Scotland - My Review

Info from. IMDb

Movie Trailer:

直到看完這部片上網goo一下演 Idi Amin 的演員 Forest Whitaker,才知道他是出生德州的道地美國人!

根據本人小小地在非洲停留28天的觀察與體驗來說,Whitaker 的腔調真的是無話可說!
Too good to be true!


但是在此部片,他的角色 - 烏干達爭議獨裁將軍,演地真真真真真真真絲絲入扣!!



尤其看到畫面中當地居民趕著有著長長的角的牛去放牧、Dr. Garrigan 和女白人(忘了名)晚上在雜草如人高的沒有路燈的泥馬路上開車、那種熟悉的非洲英語腔調,即使東、西非有差異,但那腔調卻大同小異啊!

Whitaker 演的真好!!

連非洲人特有的語助詞他都有!(語氣激動處會用重音唸 "Eh" 來當作某種詢問和激問語)

它讓那些我待在迦納鄉村 Okurase 的日子、那些深入雨林、紀錄Djembe與Kpalongo製作,等等情景回到眼前......



This history-based (?) movie is truly thrilling, inspiring me to want to know more about Uganda...

Perhaps Prof. Yen will be a good consultant.

Mind might drift; decision might differ.
You challenge, you fall, you rise.

Though it's kinda cliche, still,
follow thy heart.
And always learn from the past, be as humble as a willow to make a blow.






======Warning: Hold your balls tight or you gonna wet your pants for following content.=====
======Warning: Hold your balls tight or you gonna wet your pants for following content.=====
======Warning: Hold your balls tight or you gonna wet your pants for following content.=====

============Warning: the following content is fully emotional, but sincere.============
============Warning: the following content is fully emotional, but sincere.============
============Warning: the following content is fully emotional, but sincere.============











早知道上學期卯起命來拼,才不會落到這地步 幹幹幹幹幹幹幹幹幹幹幹幹 40!!!!


媽的社團、志工團什麼課外活動三小的 我要狠下心,離開!!!

根本不要在意別人的評價 做我要做的啦 幹!


任何事情請他媽的不要再找我 除了讀書的事

幹你媽啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 那我暑假是要衝三小???



The Flower Duet - Lakmé - Erika Miklosa & Bernadett Wiedemann

Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit - Guitar Lesson

An Androgynous Mind

昨天英國文學讀到 Virginia Woolf 的 "A Room of One's Own",學到一個很有趣、很新穎、對我來說很有道理的觀點:一個偉大、完美的思想(mind),或者稱之為「心態」,是「雌雄同體」的。


《A Room of One's Own》

...And I went on amateurishly to sketch a plan of the soul so that in each of us two powers preside, one male, one female; and in the man's brain, the man predominates over the woman, and in the woman's brain, the woman predominates over the man.The normal and comfortable state of being is that when the two live in harmony together, spiritually cooperating. If one is a man, still the woman part of the brain must have effect; and a woman also must have intercourse with the man in her. Coleridge perhaps meant this when he said that a great mind is androgynous. It is when this fusion takes place that the mind is fully fertilised and uses all its faculties. Perhaps a mind that is purely masculine cannot create, any more than a mind that is purely feminine, I thought....

Coleridge certainly did not mean, when he said that a great mind is androgynous, that it is a mind that has any special sympathy with women; a mind that takes up their cause or devotes itself to their interpretation. Perhaps the androgynous mind is less apt to make these distinctions than the single-sexed mind. He meant, perhaps, that the androgynous mind is resonant and porous; that it transmits emotion without impediment; that it is naturally creative, incandescent and undivided.... And if it be true that it is one of the tokens of the fully developed mind that it does not think specially or separately of sex, how much harder it is to attain that condition now than ever before.

又讓我想到上禮拜莎士比亞上到的指定閱讀:Stephen Greenblatt 的Pscychoanalysis and Renaissance Culture (from "Learning to Curse") ...

文中引述一位法國作家寫的 The Wife of Martin Guerre 來討論何謂 Identity。

Identity,就稱它為「自我認同」好了,不過是反應外在的期待;這又關聯到佛洛依德的心理學理論。既然角色可以扮演,那自身的 identity 又要如何去尋找?

What is your identity then?


A male should be like this; a woman should be like this; a fine lady should be virtuous and elegant; a fine gentleman should be noble and polite...


就像 Prof. Kim 說的:

"Everyone says 'Just be yourself.' Then, what is the quote on quote 'Be yourself'? Can you really find yourself? What is yourself?"




Life is a mysterious adventure.
The only thing we know is that it is not a venture which we can easily give in,
Nor can we easily let it fly by...




就是閱讀速度越來越快啦 哇哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

從看完 Richard II 開始,進入到 Macbeth,再回頭解決第一份的指定閱讀 1 Henry IV,到現在正在讀的 Much Ado About Nothing......



從一開始大二下看的 Twelfth Night 開始,一篇莎劇要看個5、6個小時(甚至是拖到一、兩個禮拜,因為根本沒有「連續」的六個小時讓我專心讀書......)

到現在,只要3~4個小時不等就能解決,真是莫名的得意啊 哇哈哈哈哈


志工團雖然不知道何時才能告一段落,但是社團完全沒有壓力了...... 吧








那個不意外先生,就因為是低調所以造成的高調 - 以年年書卷獎而聞名!



"Adieu!" (Exeunt)

I wave to my past, foreseeing the World I've always neglected...

That is where I sail to.

Galloping and Galloping, with Horses and Truly Friendship

Galloping and Galloping, with Horses and Truly Friendship

  • 作者: ******
  • 學號: *****
  • 系級: 外語 **
  • 職稱: 96學年-文資股長、97學年~-社長


The indigo sky was so vast without clouds; the creamy beach was so expansive without ends. Fishers pulled up the sampan with harvest, and the waves never stopped patting the coastline. It was a bright sunny early morning, and I was galloping on the beach of Chunan to witness these beauties, with horses and my friends.

It was May 23, 2008, my very first experience to ride on the beach.

Hoofprints carved the shiny beach, and waves murmured beside me. I laughed, yelled surprisingly and ecstatically. It was my dream to ride horses on the beach, and it was totally out of my expectation to gallop on the beach with my friends, and with those beloved animals. As galloping, the wind whispered its story beside my ears, and I hummed a story to myself. A story which I would and will never ever forget, a story which always belongs to horses, my friends, and Equestrian Club. Listen, please, here is how the story of perspiration, tears, and laughter is weaved.

[編輯]Destiny on Horsebacks

I knew there was an Equestrian Club in National Tsing Hua University when I was applying for colleges in my third year of senior high school. When the brand new college life started, I attended Equestrian Club without hesitation. Horses have been my favorite animals since I was a child, and they are the greatest passion and pleasure which makes me stick with the club. However, when I spend more and more time on riding, I gradually discover that happiness is not shared alone; it must be shared with friends of the club, the family of the owner (instructor) of the Equestrian Center. This great delight cannot exist alone, but it should be accompanied by those people who have consensuses and the same interest. The pleasure of horseback-riding is built on them therefor.

Being able to ride and give orders to a horse isn't as easy as what it seems on TV series or Wild West and Chinese Kong-fu movies. First of all, we have to learn how to saddle a horse; hence we have the most basic qualification to get on horseback. We clean up stables, shovel out horses' excrements, clean hooves, and wash horses. We sweat like faucets for the burning weather and sneeze for the fur and dust occupying in the air. We work with dirt on our shirts to earn the equestrian course in return. When the sky is still dim and the sun is still sleepy, we wake up and go horseback-riding in the Center or on the beach. We practice at least once a week, and it's time for connection and communication with friends and members in the club as well as the family of the instructor.

We had been through confusion, conflicts, doubts, and distrust. We were once on the edge of scatter and separation, once so close to the end of the club, and I almost gave up the faith I used to believe and we used to share. Nonetheless, we all went through this turmoil, this blast which blew all of us up. We reconstruct our creeds, and we build up our consensuses. We reside in Equestrian Club again, and we consider the blast a lesson, and a challenge which a club must undergo. We gather up our beliefs which were scattered and blown away by the turmoil. We are once again determined and passionate.

Nothing on earth can extinguish my enthusiasm for seeing, patting, and riding horses.

[編輯]The First Trial

Heinekens' bubbles stimulated our mouths and throats. We drank beer under the less-cruel sunshine of mid spring. Riders in formal riding jackets and tailcoats were striving to earn a medal. We sat on balcony seats or leaned against railings, watching brilliant horses cantered, rose, and jumped off. Riders were concentrated and showed a perfect harmonious image of the cross-species friendship and trust. It was April 4, 2008, the Equestrian Cup for College Students.

During our winter vacation, we spent a week practicing our skills and cultivating our feelings on horsebacks everyday from day to night for this great event. As usual, we woke up when the sky was still gloomy, yet this time it was much harder and more challenging. This one-week training was held in the chilly winter. Whenever the horse expired, the vapor bursted out and mixed with dust risen by its march, causing a bizarre mist which only belongs to the magic forest in fairy tales. We experienced this very first riding lesson taken in the bleak and rainy winter. We started to learn deeply, from the most primary posting trot to a bit advanced level, the gallop position. We learned how to treat a horse: It was all about reflections of your motions, or even emotions. Riding was not commanding, but an interaction with this delicate creature. Riders should feel the subtle reflections from the horse, and thus trusted it as if the rider and the horse were together as one individual. To be short, horses were not rackets or balls which one can manipulate as they want to; they were living creatures with the rhythm of breathing, wills, and the passion to canter or gallop. They were animals, lives; therefore, it was absolutely impossible for humanity to subject these free spirits to fully obedience. That was what made equestrianism so attractive yet also challenging. Not until I experienced this so keenly did I truly apprehend the immensity of equestrianism.

The heartless winter blast still twisted our faces; our thighs were so sore that we could barely squat down, and we felt as if our backs could never bend again. We were alike young sipirts which were imprisoned in a ninty-year-old body; the torture of muscle soreness and pain never ceased. However, none of us complained. Although exhaustion grasped everyone, our hearts were full of content. We had a goal in mind, but it was not about getting medals, it was about achieving ourselves and dreams. When the day came, the very first trial came, it was during the Spring vacation; and of course, the bombardment of midterms would launch soon afterwards. Putting aside the vexation brought by this embarrassing situation, we marched north to Taipei, to conquer our first trial. Studies and midterms? Let's deal with those later.

Compared to other participants, we didn't have any fancy or luxurious equestrian wares and equipment. We didn't have any personal instructor to warm up our horses for us. And indeed, owning a horse was the farthest dream I didn't dare to weave. All what we had were jeans and short riding boots, which were the most luxurious possession we wore. We weren't as advanced and experienced as other participants, and we knew that by heart before attending this competition. Nonetheless, we had the strongest backup which only few participants had -- The support from all our club members and friends which was across nationalities and regions. Our club members were from Taiwan of course, Malaysia, the United States, and Sweden. Mandarin Chinese was not the only dominant language in our club; we also used English to communicate.

We were a team; we were together as a whole. That was absolutely more meaningful than any kind of material support.

The game lasted until afternoon. We had our lunch there, drinking Heinekens offered by sponsors while watching other participants performing their best. When it was time to announce score and rankings, people all gathered to the board; and to my surprise, we actually had a really great score! Our members got the championship in both group and individual show jumping event, and also won a place in individual dressage. Most of us got nothing, but we did learn something treasurable: experiences, cooperation, both spoken and unspoken consensuses, and the time accompanied by friendship. I got nothing, but I was proud of myself because I had friends who were willing to share their happiness and glory with other non-prize members. That surpassed everything in material.

[編輯]Cavalrymen Go Marching

A long chain of parade snaked the route from NTHU to NCTU. Drumbeats, whistles, and slogans clustered up the air and created a battlefield atmosphere. The mascot Panda and students in parade were all hot-blooded, shouting their slogan out loud, "Mei Chu succeeds, Tsing Hua shall win!"

February 24, 2008, NTHU on horsebacks and by feet marched and conquered the land of NCTU. Yes, it was us who were on horsebacks, trampling its fields and land. The roar soared and spread, two riders along with a crowd of people were in the Mei-Chu Parade. It was a historical time for us because Equestrian Club dedicated her very first experience to participate in Mei-Chu Events. I never thought I would be that close to this fervent and great annual event. This time, we were evaluated from a small club group to an interscholastic level. I was not merely an individual but one of the gears which ran and spurred the operation of a great machine.

The cool breeze still swept my hair; it was still in winter. Yet this time there was no bleak and rainy weather. The glary sunshine warmed up my toes and fingers. Chatty and witty slogans were all around us and made me laugh out aloud like a silly. With the vehemence of the parade and the beauty of the campus, riding could never be that wonderful.


Today, November 22, 2008. It has been my fifteenth month since I met with Equestrian Club, the four hundred and fifty-sixth day since I started to ride horses, the fourteenth year since I was obsessed with these adorable animals, and the third month since I got the honor to take the responsibility of being a president this semester.

My freshman year flew away and into the wheel of time. Indeed, time flies and waits for no one. The graduated endeavor in careers or graduate studies; the senior waved goodbye to this verdant campus and went to accomplish his obligation of being a soldier; the juniors became senior and eventually succeeded in applying graduate schools. I am not a sprout anymore; I feel the duty to pass down the vividness and heritage which belong to our club.

I fail, yet I get up again, just like what all riders do when they fall down from horse. I strive, I bounce back, I get lost, and I hesitate. I know some sayings are about something can only be done alone, but I still believe that the greatest happiness exists along with friendship. I am not the only one who undergoes all these ups and downs, and in comparison with those pioneers in the club, the situation was indeed better off and much more comfortable.

The instructor, Mr. Wang once told us, "Dedicate your life, your passion, your time to riding, but not dedicating your money." And from the Bible: Ecclesiastes, "Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up." Those sayings are alike a shot of cardiac, injected into my wandering heart when I encounter barriers. Yes, I have passion for horses and riding, and I have time, though I'm not a freshman anymore, still, I have friends.

A flock of horses were galloping on the infinite land. Excitement and incredibility was carved on our faces while hooves were stamping the earth; clops were swallowed by grass. This time we were galloping on the grassland located in the front of the Technology Management Building. The sky was so clear that stars and the moon were glittery. The night was so glamorous because the air was not only filled with the fragrance of the grass, but our laughter and chitchats. I giggled like a silly again, and my voice trembled with ecstasy. We gallop on beaches, grasslands, city and country roads, and what else?

Whatever it can be, as long as we are galloping together, and we are enjoying, laughing, perspiring, and weaving our story, with our infinite friendship.


清大暑期國際志工團 克服困難擁抱世界

更新日期:2009/10/16 15:49



  志工團中最先出發且為期最長的尼泊爾團,面對當地資源匱乏、沒水沒電的窘境,自行搭建帳篷,度過克難卻難忘的2 週。他們在當地村落協助義診,教導衛生教育觀念,並完成村落居民電子病歷的建置。另外,他們完成村落濾水塔建設。

  清大人以理工見長,志工團也將所學發揮在志工服務。坦尚尼亞團從台灣募集35台二手電腦,經過維修與重組,在當地設立2 間電腦教室。電子所學生楊筱嵐表示,服務過程充滿挑戰,時常要緊急調整行程,考驗應變能力。這些深刻的磨練、意外的難題,也使得自己加速成長。



"Four Leaf Clover" by Badly Drawn Boy - A very talented & delightful song!

Go on do what you've got to do.
You've got your dreams I've got mine too.
Be strong get off at the next stop.
Don't worry about a thing.
Keep taking it easy.
This time it's not personal.
The universe will help you now.
To find a place you can breathe.
And do what you've got to do.
Keep taking it easy.
Keep taking it easy.
Come on.
I'll let you borrow my four leaf clover.
Come on.
Take it with you, you can pass it on.
Come on.
You know I'm not the kind to say that it's over.
We'll be rubbing shoulders once again in the sun.
Come on.
Take your dreams, where nobody can find them.
Come on.
You know I won't be happy till you've won.
So come on.
Come on over, borrow my clover.
Is there anything left that you haven't done?
Go on do what you've got to do.
You've got your dreams I've got mine too.
Be strong get off at the next stop.
Don't worry about a thing.
Keep taking it easy.

讓我想到 "Scouting for Girls" 的 "She's So Lovely" ,同樣也是首節奏輕快的歌:

像 Evanescence 的歌德金屬搖滾,就常以鋼琴當主旋律!就以他們的 "Lithium" 為例:

喜歡 Evanescence 就是因為他們的鋼琴+歌德+Amy Lee 的超級爆發力之渾厚嗓音啊!

迦納志工前進「TEDx Taipei」



10/17()10:00-17:50蒙民偉樓R102 TEDx Taipei 清大轉播場,








Taiwan Story







Design Power







Seeing Beyond Possiblties




源由1984年美國分別代表科技、娛樂、設計的跨界對談大會,講者利用18分鐘把他/她的創新點子用說故事的方式展現,討論議題涵蓋甚廣。參與過TED的講者包含:Google的創辦人、珍古德、高爾、U2主唱Bono等,在2009年起以城市為名,用在地的故事舉辦TEDx,而今年在台北故稱TEDx Taipei

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."
-- Plotinus