photos@TPE-Day 2


↑↑之前提到的過夜爛旅館...... That's the terribley disgusting place where we stayed for a night. I mentioned it in the previous post...∕↑Linda & Eason@紐約紐約的大聖誕樹
Linda and Eason in front of the big Christmas tree at the plaza of New York New York.

↑↑大合照@紐約紐約大聖誕樹 It was also taken in front of that Christmas tree at New York New York.∕↑聖誕樹@Taipei 101 The Christmas tree in front of the entrance of Taipei 101.

↑↑兩隻在Taipei 101前的麋鹿 Two reindeers in front of Taipei 101.∕↑Taipei 101 玻璃帷幕上的「全世界最高的聖誕樹」"The tallest Christmas tree in the world"

新光三越,不曉得是哪一館...... A part of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi.

5 個腳印:

Anonymous said...

Hello Karina, thanks for showing me this photos! Now i can better imagine how christmas decoration is like in Taiwan. It´s interesting, because, as i already said to you, most decoration here is different!!
Well,..i wish you a happy new year that will make all your dreams come true!! Bye

Karina Sun said...

Hi, thanks for your wishes. I also wish all you dreams will come true. Happy New Year! Prosit Neujahr! 新年快樂!Enjoy your vacation!

Anonymous said...

我也好想去喔!!從上次班遊就有點愛上台北 ,我好像總是錯過很多的機會(難過中~)

Karina 你好像對本Juice的留言有很大的期

Karina Sun said...


Karina Sun said...


"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."
-- Plotinus