Fireworks @ Taipei 101

4 個腳印:

Karina Sun said...


Anonymous said...

Hello!i just was on your side ones again :">
The pictures of the fireworks are just great[like everytime ;)]
some pictures look like the firework would come out of the buildings!! they are great!!
I hope we´ll be able to chat again soon!! yours, patricia

Anonymous said...

Or are they really coming out of the buildings :-S ???

Karina Sun said...

well....yes, they did come out from the building. they sat the fireworks around it. here to see more photos (they're not my blogs):!ooZLUseBHBBGVWpE76U-/gallery?fid=6&page=1!pPfd3_WRAg7eJQOkI3XzRPBYaXZ73BCS/gallery?fid=7

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."
-- Plotinus