久違了,SlamDunk 灌籃高手!

今天看完了灌藍高手全冊,不禁讓人熱血沸騰!記得電視剛播的時候我大概念小學二、三年級吧,後來卻不知啥麼原因從中間就沒繼續看了。最近台視又重播,可我卻必須要去打工而錯過播出時段。為了彌補兒時回憶留下的缺憾,我透過管道看完了剩下那幾集。真是熱血......熱血啊!!尤其是最後25~31集中湘北對山王工業的高中聯賽一戰堪稱經典!看著櫻木慢慢進步,他驚人的毅力和勇氣(傻勁?)真令人動容...... 讓人忍不住想和湘北的板凳球員們一起吶喊:「加油!湘北!」

2 個腳印:

Ian said...

Cool~ I also recently read the final chapter of Slam Dunk... It's really cool. Rukawa and Sakuragi finally worked together!!!

Karina Sun said...

Hi Ian, I never thought that you would leave a comment on my blog! Thanks for that! Besides Slam Dunk, I also finished reading "Monster" recently. It's really an amazing work!

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."
-- Plotinus