Lily Allen - Fuck You ( LIVE )
Wednesday, July 28, 2010 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:25:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Benjamin Diamond - Baby's on fire
Sunday, July 25, 2010 | posted by Karina Sun @ 2:56:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 | posted by Karina Sun @ 1:55:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
7/13 第二週
開學進入第三個禮拜,這兩個禮拜來的上課經驗讓我受益良多。首先,Berkeley 校園氣氛跟台灣的大學很不一樣,走在廣大優美的校園裡,可以看到各式各樣的學生用穿著來表現自己。而因美國特有的多元環境,在校園裡看到各色人種用英語互相交談,儘管祖先來自不同國家和大陸,卻匯集在這個校園一同追求學問和知識。這種多元、國際化的環境是台灣缺乏的。其次是學生勇於發問的精神。課堂上儘管老師仍在講課,同學遇到不懂的地方還是會隨時舉手,老師也會停下講課,回答學生的問題,讓課堂最後的三十分鐘變成問與答時間,師生間互動頻繁,讓一般的講課變成討論課。這種勇於發問的精神也是我在台灣的學校沒遇過的。再者是Berkeley校園資源豐富。光是校地就佔了整個山頭,校園圖書館有好幾座,更有多座博物館、劇院,甚至是植物園。這種對各個領域尊重、包容的精神,致力於發展「完全大學」的目標和本錢在台灣的學術界裡屈指可數。Berkeley雖為公立學校,但是仍是全球名校之一,台灣需要向它學習的地方可多著。台灣的大學要超越甚至達到它的層度,仍需要很大的努力-不管是在硬體設備上,還是學術資源、研究環境、校園景觀,我們都需要更努力才行。
Monday, July 19, 2010 | posted by Karina Sun @ 3:22:00 PM 1 個腳印
categories: U S and A
Nine Inch Nails - Something I can never have (still)
posted by Karina Sun @ 10:02:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Nine Inch Nails - Just Like You Imagined Millennium Fly Thru
posted by Karina Sun @ 10:00:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
7/6 第一週
I-House - Library |
Thursday, July 15, 2010 | posted by Karina Sun @ 5:46:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: U S and A
First day to school!!
Wednesday, July 07, 2010 | posted by Karina Sun @ 1:41:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: U S and A
Camping with Kairos / Berkeley students!
July 2 & 3
around Lake Tahoe National Forest, Donner Lake area
Cynthia invited me to go camping with her church fellows - mostly students or alumni from UC Berkeley. They are mostly Asian girls from different family backgrounds.
Yet they are all US citizens, not internationals and visitors. So, they speak so fast, and I faced some challenges in English hearing! It's totally different from listening to BBC or ICRT... Listening to their conversations is so much harder!!
But my English does improve a lot! Speaking, I guess! Hearing is still not so good though, people here speak super fast and pronounce words so unclear!
So during this camping trip, I practiced my English A LOT! People are so friendly. They are pretty direct when they meet somebody they don't know. For example:
"Hey, I haven't seen you before. I am blahblahblah. Nice to meet you. (Shake hands)"
It's so cool, the way they introduce themselves to someone new! I think I should learn from them, because I am always so shy and embarrassed in a new environment! It's so hard for me to speak first..... :SS
Besides practicing my English, I also appreciated LOTS of beautiful scenery!!!!!!!
It's so special that there was still unmelt snow! We were hiking with shorts and shirts, but there was still snow! Weird, huh! |
There were lots of ponds due to melting snow. These ponds were pretty colorful under the brights sunshine. |
We hiked to a lake, I think it's called Donner Lake, and we picnicked there. The lake was really clear and awesome. |
On our way to the lake, there was a really beautiful trail. So special and green!
After hiking, we went kyaking in a nearby lake. It was lots of fun!!!!!!!!!! |
The mountain peaks were still covered with snow, even though the sunshine was so bright!!!! |
Tuesday, July 06, 2010 | posted by Karina Sun @ 3:01:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Photography, U S and A