Last Call

Save me from myself, dear God, or anything, anyone else that can save me from this degeneration...

I am in a peril.
A fucking attractive, mysterious being makes an insane tranquil.

Pushing me to the fringes of cliffs.
Threatening me with all of the charm and the adorable characteristics.

Dazzling meteor showered on my shoulder. It was the fringe of your shadow...
Looking up, I was bathed in the amazement.

Pure joy and excitement. A sense of courage and... completion.

Methought you were that shooting star which cut through my night.
An eerie scar was left on the vaulting universe.

Just like anything dear and perfect, you were not permanent...
Even if I call your name, you won't turn.

But the glory shined through my heart's darkness.
A raindrop on the desert.
An indolent sigh of forever absence.

Even if I call your name, you won't turn.
Just like a dazzling meteor that lasts only for a second.

You were there, and gone.
A laughter, a gesture, a blink. And gone.
Even if I call your name, you won't turn.

Nothing can make a shooting star turn...
It only falls for a second and not permanent.

What is left is a shinning, little scar on the universe.
A glimpse, a sigh, a wonder. And gone...

What is left is a weeping, subtle desolation.
Peril. Tranquil. No return.

I call for a savior!

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"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."
-- Plotinus