
What you saw was merely artificial and imaginary. I don't dress to cater to whomever or whatever; I do for the occasion and myself, but never stereotype or label me. Why can't we just be ourselves and free ourselves from others' values?

So she told me this tonight when she saw me with my usual tee & jeans style, 
"(Sigh) Karina, you'll be sooooo popular if you do dress up more."

Why should I do something that costs me so much time, money, and energy, just to attract the general public's taste? Am I not attractive with the way I am and I have always been? I reckon 'beauty' is about how the thing is in the naturalist condition. If people wear night gowns and heavy make-up to cover up what they were born and given by the Nature, that is just merely artificial. Yet nowadays people regard this as "beauty." That is not beauty. That is just the vision we build upon our imagination and expectation. Will people still take all of it as something beautiful?

Ironically, people suddenly to praise you 'stunningly beauty' when you are in an artificial form. Why can't we just appreciate something, or an individual in their naturalist way? 

Aren't we all human beings? I am still who I am even I dress up or not. 

Don't let your eyes blunt your sense. 

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"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."
-- Plotinus