
話說上個月中左右,在公視看到影集「齊瓦哥醫生」(Dr. Chivago),沒頭沒尾的看完一小段,發現裡面的女主角是琪拉奈特莉(Keira Knightly),於是就上公視去查到底在播什麼。我連到了它迷你影集的網頁,看到正舉辦網路有獎徵答,只要填寫參加,答對就有機會獲得Dr. Chivago的全套DVD。想說,不填白不填,無聊之下,填完了答案,就完成了。



2 個腳印:

Miss Ginger Tea said...

That's Great.I never get the chance to get one. I always believe that they are only advertising for their brand or films, so I never paid attention to those things. Your as lucky as....I hope it'll someday happen in my future. By the way, haven't heard from you for a while. Is every thing okay? fine?

best wishes from your friend Flora lo~~(^v^)/

Karina Sun said...

Hi Flora! I had a thought that maybe "Lora" was you. But I wasn't sure. It surprised me! I can't link to your blog, could you leave your website address here? Ha, I'm enjoying my short summer vacation in the mountains. It's so hot down the mountains in Taichung...I can't bare the hot weather since I spent so many days here. Here in the mountains, is the paradise of hot summer!

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."
-- Plotinus