What the typhoon did to Taiwan

【中央社 記者陳守國高雄縣傳真】


(In the photo: the railway was watered away by the mighty torrent. )

【中央社 記者趙宏進台中縣攝】

(In the photo: the Shi-Gun Dam was releasing the flood water by the rate of 2000 metric ton/sec on July 20th.)

連日豪雨 中縣和平鄉聯外橋斷 大甲溪暴漲搶救停擺
【東森新聞報 地方中心/中部綜合報導】

(in the photo: On the new-formed riverbed of Da-Jia River, a excavator was trying to make a way to let the mighty torrent rush down to downstream in order to build another bridge across the torrent.)

【中央社 記者盧太城台東傳真】


(in the photo: the port was stuck by the drifting woods and there were more than 1600 tourists stuck in Green Island.)

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"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."
-- Plotinus