a nation without future

TV show was playing about the tremendous leap of China's economic. Chinese tourists shop at a Japanese store, contributing to millions and millions of dollars of net income per month.
"They don't even blink when they pay for a ten thousand Yen merchandise." 

Then South Korea. Their German Korean Director of the Tourism Bureau.
How South Korea attracts tourists from Asia.
How South Korea builds up the Island of Tomorrow.
How South Korea recovers from the Crisis.

How South Korea succeeds.

I was thinking that 8~9 years ago, we were still talking about not to let Korea replace our economic advantage and our position in East Asia. We were still taking it seriously as our rival, and so did they. I was thinking that we shouldn't be left behind.

We shouldn't be the last.
We shouldn't be the lost.
We shouldn't be marginalized.

But now... 

A fly in a jar.
Buzzing with its minuteness.
Striving to get out but is still jarred exclusively from the universe.

8 years. 96 months.
Growing from an infant to a running, shouting, elementary kid.

What did we miss? What did our nation miss?

A person can screw a nation.
An inerasable error rooted since that moment.

Where is our future?
Where is that uplifting spirit of nation?

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"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."
-- Plotinus