mint chocolate incident

a girl sat next to me passed me a piece of mint chocolate last week. it was from her classmate, the girl sat next to her. i was quite surprised though, since i barely knew them. i only talked to one of them at a chinese poetry class last semester. she was asking me about the textbook i was reading . i was reading for kim's poetry class, since i had to turn in my paper the next day.

and then, this semester, i took the same course with them, since it was all of our common compulsory. besides, i found out that we were also in one general education course.

so, after i received that piece of chocolate, i was surprised for a moment. but then i thanked her of course, with an exact amount of surprise. i ate it without hesitation.

so i was thinking, whether i should thank her again, and bring some in return this week? so i was quite sure that i should thank her again face-to-face this time, with more sincerity.


that girl, she changed her style totally! i couldn't even recognize her!
i was actually walking behind her to the classroom, but i thought she was somebody else, and i was just wondering why did she take that seat. and i was just planning to tell her that all seats in the classroom were settled and couldn't be changed.

but then, there came another girl, her classmate, and they talked. and i knew it! because her voice / tone was quite 'special' and kind of pretentious.

so i was like 'wow'! why did she change her style so dramatically??? she was a really common girl with all these... pff... korean / japanese / taiwanese teen girl apparels. but now she had her hair cut and waxed. quite short in comparison with her previous style. leather jacket. jeans and canvas sneakers.

so my original intention was interrupted. this realization was totally not in my plan. then i was thinking whether i should thank her after the class. that would be more appropriate.

but as soon as the lecture was over, i was looking for the timing. and her friend was there, it was quite an interruption. i just didn't know why. i guess i preferred to thank her and talk more with her in private?? her dramatical change of style was so interesting. i was quite curious about that. yet her friend there was just a bloc of the way.

so i left the classroom without executing my plan.

now i'm thinking to bring a bar of chocolate next time, and share it with them, causing less embarrassment and intense.

i just don't wanna be an impolite fat-ass eater!

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"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."
-- Plotinus