by Jonathan Mays, Jun 29 2007
Actress/model/singer Anna Tsuchiya's focus panel kicked off promptly at 1:30 in front of 150 fans and several video cameras. Tsuchiya gave a brief introduction:
"Hello everyone, I'm Anna. How do you do? I hope to be singing a lot of songs from NANA and my solo album for you. It's pretty embarrassing to be up here, isn't it?"
Her translator then asked the audience to line up behind a microphone at the center of the room. The first fan asked two questions:
Did you read the NANA manga? "Yes!"
Did you like the NANA manga? "Yes!"
But other fans picked up the load:
Her biggest influences: "I feel happiest when I'm singing. It feels like the place for me to be; I'm very reassured when I'm singing. As for influences: Queen and Nirvana."
Advice for aspiring performers: "I don't know if this is good advice, but in each time period there's always something that's the most popular.
You may not want to force yourself to go with the flow--sing what you want to sing, do what you want to do. Selling a lot isn't the most important thing."
Plans for a 2nd Kamikaze Girls movie: "There are no plans for a part 2, but... it's probably close enough, but while there will be no Kamikaze Girls 2, I'm doing another film by the same director. I get to play a punk nurse! This movie will also have a diverse range of enthusiastic characters."
Plans to enter the US market: "I'd like to, but I don't know English. [In English] "So I'm trying, but it's very hard." I do try to study English so more people can enjoy my music."
Fan: "Well, you're really good at faking it!" [Anna gives two thumbs up]
Biggest surprise when performing a duo: "The big surprise came in the form of - all artists try to alter their tongue to fit the song. My partner was very good at drawing out my own tender side. If I were singing it by myself, it would have been a more independent person. He made it more tender."
Dream performance: "Ahhh! That's tough...I'd start in the classical…or perhaps Queen, but I'd have to get in tights myself! Also, Cyndi Lauper. I met her once - she was a very nice person. I'd love to perform with her.
Childhood story: "Up until the 6th grade, children can be really cruel. By looking different and having an usual name, I was bullied and teased."
[Cell phone on the table goes off][Anna answers, "please wait a second" in Japanese, hangs up]
"Later on, others learned that being half-Japanese was actually cool."
Kamikaze Girls and a fight scene with Kyoko Fukada: "Well, this was my first time playing a Yankee girl. The fight scene, that was when I realized that women are scary creatures. We were all acting, but someone in there was really serious about hitting me. She must have had some kind of unidentified vendetta. It looked liked a realistic fight because there was a real fight there!
Also, our director was the type who would shoot 50 or 60 times, and we would film all morning until 2 or 3 in the morning.
Kyoko…She's a very cute girl. But she's also tough. One day she was screaming that bugs were scaring her. I told her don't worry, they're just bugs. But I turned around and she was killing every bug in sight."
Working with Kaz: "My music started with working with Kaz, and he really liked my voice. There's a lot of music that only Kaz can make, and that helped me a lot. He writes beautiful music, which makes me want to write beautiful music. I would say Kaz was my first influence. I wouldn't be where I am today without him."
Getting nervous: "Even before this panel I was nervous. It's not necessarily about your own performance; sometimes you just want people to like you. So I remind myself to try to have at least one person like my performance. At least during the day. At night, all you have to do is drink up a little and you should be okay. Good luck. Vocalize from your stomach."
Learning lines and getting into roles: "This may not be good advice since I'm bad at learning my lines, but I tend to, well, 10 minutes before filming, I read the script for the first time. If I'd read the script the night before, I'd be tracing out an act instead of being spontaneous about my acting. I don't consider myself someone who is capable of acting, so I think it is better for me to be spontaneous.
I don't think you can really become a different person--you have a draw a line within yourself to play a different role. So for me, I would simply jump into the film scene. Doing that every day will get you into the character. But that's bad advice. I asked my interpreter if he has any advice."
Interpreter: No!
Career in 10 or 20 years: "I want to continue singing. Or...should I get into sewing?"
Evolving musical tastes: "When I was younger, I was basically a well read princess. My love for music was all in Japan. But the first time I heard Queen's music, I realized rock had something in common with classical music."
Her Kamikaze Girls character changing at the end of the film: "The character is based on the way I am. In my daily life I tend to be the Kamikaze Girl. Everyone has different aspects--tough, cute--but while "Ichiko's" toughness may be in the forefront, but she may have other aspects that come out. Think about how changing your clothes changes your personality. For example, you may be gesturing differently. you may not be conscious of it, but other people will notice."
Her favorite songs: "Tomorrow I'll be singing some 10 songs, but one of those songs, Frozen Rose, is kind of sad--it has classical elements as well as rock ones. It's been one of my favorites ever since I released it on my mini-album.
For tomorrow, though, the songs I'll be performing will be only my favorites, like Frozen Rose and Take Me Out. But I'll also be performing fast songs like Without You, so let's save the mosh for that."
Receiving clothes from fans, and what she wears on her own time: "I do have garments from fans that I like to wear, like a certain hat. In my daily life I wear jeans and tank tops, but I wear the opposite when I'm modeling, so maybe that's a backlash from that. When I'm in public, I try to incorporate more elegance into rock fashion. I think the public tends to be condescending towards rock, so I try to incorporate as much elegance as I can even when I'm wearing only black or red."
Her favorite English word: [in English] "Thank You!"
Stories from her current band: "Well, they were supposed to be on the panel with me, but they went shopping. The guitarist is the fastest I've ever met, and he speaks with a Kansai dialect. The bassist is playing in Gackt's SKIN today, has been with me ever since the spinoff. As for the drummer, he's an alcoholic."
Accessories: "Justin Davis is the brand. I collaborate with them to make accessories. It's got Onyx in it. They make their accessories by hand. Because of that, I think this brand has heart."
Anime Expo 2007-Focus Panel: Anna Tsuchiya 土屋安娜專訪
Sunday, August 19, 2007 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:44:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Saturday, August 18, 2007 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:41:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Funny and Interesting Stuff
【爆笑 II】搞笑漫畫日和-加油!浦島太郎!
posted by Karina Sun @ 9:01:00 PM 4 個腳印
categories: Funny and Interesting Stuff
posted by Karina Sun @ 8:00:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Funny and Interesting Stuff
Oh yeah,這要記錄一下!
Hurray!!!~~~~~~~ 歷史新低耶!上次到這個數字(希姆希姆希姆...我才不會告訴你呢...)不曉得是幾百年前的事了,大概還沒升國一吧....... 真是太美好了!之前慢跑了2、3個禮拜果然沒白費呀!老天保佑千萬不要在開學前又肥回去...... 我一定要以Toby為戒(可是Toby現在胖一點比較好看,才不會肩膀跟身體一樣寬),不能胖回去.....!
Thursday, August 16, 2007 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:46:00 PM 2 個腳印
categories: Trivia
昨天聽說現在這一屆的立人外交小尖兵想要見見我們這前兩屆的學長學姊們,所以就有Linda, Toby, Joey, Ivy, Joy, 和我去赴約!再加上親愛的Frances,感覺真的很像同學會!看到大家後很開心,看到Toby放了四、五個月也胖了四、五公斤就覺得很好笑...... 瘦身成功的他難道又要復胖嗎?!
在開過了大約類似心得分享會的東西後,親愛的Frances很好心的請我們去吃Friday's...... 喔,讓她破費了!不過話說回來,昨天是我第一次去吃Friday's耶!之前聽滿多人說過Friday其實普通而已,沒有很好吃,可是我覺得還很OK啊(雖然我很愛吃)!看到一大坨一大坨的冰淇淋就感覺非常幸福!這樣子一群人吃吃喝喝真的好有大學生的感覺,談著以前國中一年級的趣事、後來大家考上哪裡,再看看現在大家都要分開、各自奔向美好的學校,以前大家同在一班真的是很純真、美好的記憶。
posted by Karina Sun @ 9:48:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Reflection
Oh yeah,這要講一下!
電腦自從送修回來後就常當機。所以我現在也不知道它會不會在不久之後就掛了,希望不會!昨天竟然開機不到五分鐘就當!氣死了!如果要重灌的話就必須把要用的東西複製一份... 麻煩啊!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007 | posted by Karina Sun @ 7:00:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Trivia
今天下班回來一看清華網站,天啊,竟然9/3以前就要搬進宿舍、9/8就正式上課! 這是大學開學嗎?怎麼聽滷肉莊說他們彰師大是9/18正式上課呀?看我哥中正也是拖到滿晚才開學的啊... 我也一直以為是九月中才上課耶!現在來不及辭工作了,必須做到24號老闆才有人手接替... 早知道月初就講好做到月中就好了... 現在感覺計畫都被打亂,悠閒愜意的生活好像被打斷了!
遊泳票還有20張、吉他也只能剛剛好上四堂課就停了...... 嘖嘖,應該早點想到去學的,反正假期剛開始的那時候也滿閒的... 可是都來不及啦!四個月就這樣過了!好像我有史以來最長的假期就在工作和駕訓班中度過....... 算是充實嗎?總覺得好像缺點什麼... 是假期嗎?假期嗎?
話說14號就要考路考了,希望能趕快過,這樣就有50c.c.駕照,也不必再看到紅藍閃光就讓座了!最近好忙喔,要安排一堆準備迎接新生活的事,電腦都還沒買,還要配眼鏡、剪頭髮、看牙科...... 還要去游泳,把遊泳票在過期前用完!怎麼一堆事情偏偏擠在這時候安排呢?... 時間太多就是很容易被浪費掉......
最近國中、高中同學都放榜了,以後真的是各奔前程。310的一堆去國外讀、考上台、政大..... 以後再見面不曉得是不是在報章雜誌上?大家都那麼厲害,讓我本來想鬆懈的心又緊繃起來,看來大學也是重要關鍵,希望社團不會讓我荒廢學業!加油吧!
Thursday, August 09, 2007 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:20:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Trivia
我竟然把洗面乳當牙膏擠在牙刷上... 擠出來後才發現怎麼牙膏變的稀稀的,一點也不稠...
Sunday, August 05, 2007 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:10:00 AM 2 個腳印
categories: Trivia
這禮拜一開始我的第一堂電吉他課了!練到今天,手指已經慢慢長繭,不過這樣也好,不會痛,而且可以按快一點。不過我還只能彈單音啊,和弦的話要照課本邊按邊看... 有15個初學者必學的和弦,難道要全部記起來而且要快速的轉換?真希望自己可以達到彈很搖滾的歌也不成問題的境界... 聽到土屋安娜的Rose就希望自己也可以彈成那樣... 光聽那段電吉他前奏就熱血沸騰耶!
Saturday, August 04, 2007 | posted by Karina Sun @ 12:26:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Trivia
"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

-- Plotinus