a reminder with the Summer's schedule

2010 Undergraduate & Graduate Summer Programs Calendar

January 4  Applications available for Summer Session 2010

April 11  Online enrollment begins via Axess

May 20  Electronic University Bill generated for all charges posted prior to this date.

June 13  Deadline for Visiting Undergraduate & Graduate applications and supporting documents
June 15  Payment deadline for all charges appearing on May's University Bill;
Last day to waive Health Insurance
June 19 - 20  Move into residence
June 20  Last day for full tuition refund; Electronic University Bill generated
June 21  Instruction Begins
  Preliminary Study List Deadline - 5PM

July 2  Final Study List Deadline - 5PM
  Final day to add or drop a class with no record of "W" on transcript - 5PM
  Last day to adjust units on a variable-unit course - 5PM
July 4  Independence Day
July 5  Independence Day observed (no classes)
July 15  Payment deadline for all charges appearing on June's University Bill
July 20  Electronic University Bill generated
July 23  Term withdrawal deadline - 5PM
July 30  Change of grading basis deadline - 5PM

August 2  Last day to withdraw from courses ("W" appears on transcript) - 5PM
August 12  Last day of courses (8 week program)
August 13 - 14  Final examinations (8 week program)
August 15  Payment deadline for all charges appearing on July's University Bill
August 20  Electronic University Bill deadline
August 27  End of 10 week program

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"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."
-- Plotinus