The interpreter

Finally, I watched its DVD today. It's a really meaningful movie. There's a dedication which is written on the book in the film. That's really meaningful as well, and of course breathe-taking... Here it goes:

THE GUNFIRE around us makes it hard to hear. But the human voice is different from other sounds. It can be heard over noises that bury everything else. Even when it's not shouting. Even if it's just a whisper. Even the lowest whisper can be heard - over armies... when it's telling the truth.

P.S. Nicole Kidman is much more fasinating in The Interpreter , well, it's just my opinion. I think it's because of her hairstyle. Sometimes she isn't that beautiful in some way. And Nicole Kidman looks like Renee Zellweger sometimes, don't you think so?...

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"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."
-- Plotinus