Abercrombie Spoof


4 個腳印:

Anonymous said...

推推~正式推荐這個給台灣的朋友, 我靠他學了不少英文俚語.

Bobby Lee也蠻好笑的

Anonymous said...

我是傑利丁, we all are chill~

Anonymous said...

喔對了, 這樣應該沒什麼人敢穿af haaaaaaaaa

Karina Sun said...

yeah, bobby lee is funny too!

is that really what it is in a&f, jerry?
if it is, i'll visit it someday :P

i'm watching it to improve my english litsening la... :)
i still can't catch some of their words and slangs.

madtv is very funny!!!
i'm addicted to youtube recently ;P

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."
-- Plotinus