Lovers' eyeballs threaded on a string.
A god who assaults the human heart with a battering ram.
A teardrop that encompasses and drowns the world.
just read it from the text...
Lovers' eyeballs threaded on a string.
A god who assaults the human heart with a battering ram.
A teardrop that encompasses and drowns the world.
Thursday, September 25, 2008 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:01:00 PM
categories: Literature
2 個腳印:
Google John Donne 找到學姊的部落格XDDD
你應該不是第一個唷 你們的同學感覺也有來過
不要問我為什麼,我就是知道 哈哈哈哈哈哈
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