Nikka Costa - Funkier than a Mosquitos Tweeter
Monday, September 03, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 1:21:00 AM 0 個腳印
Los Angeles Day 5
Did nothing special today. Yet finally made a decision to buy a new laptop cause the one I'm using isn't good enough for IR/PS's requirement.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 1:42:00 PM 0 個腳印
Los Angeles Day 4
Sunday's weather was absolutely sunny! Saturday was sunny, too. The sunshine made our visit to Hollywood and Santa Monica rather heated and touristy. I'm a tourist anyhow :P
We visited China Cinemas and Kodak Theater. That's about it. Then we had our late lunch at Umami Burger. A really delicate and delicious burger restaurant! After that, we walked to Santa Monica Pier. The sunshine was too bright, though the weather was still far below it was in Taiwan. Yet I'm afraid I'll get over-tanned 2 years after when I finish my degree at UCSD...
We went to West Hollywood afterwards. Urth Caffe's Green Tea Boba was really authentically Taiwanese! My gaydar beeped a lot while I was there - mostly gays. Their Blueberry Cheesecake was also nice.
Then my cousin and his friends went to have dinner in Little Tokyo in downtown LA. We lined for ramen. Unbelievable.
To sum up, I had a nice Sunday! It was great and touristy! I like that cause that suppose to be my purpose!
posted by Karina Sun @ 1:18:00 AM 0 個腳印
Kaskade Empty Streets / Cascade / Angel On My Shoulder at Freaks of Natu...
Monday, July 30, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 3:56:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Los Angeles Day 3
I wish I had a car and a Californian license so that I could drive myself to West Hollywood, Long Beach, Santa Monica, and around the city and town...
It's been not so exciting and interesting, since I've spent most of my days tagging along with my cousin. Staying at his lab, grabbing some food with him, speaking Chinese with him, and meeting all his Taiwanese friends. It's actually what I was assuming, but I never expected that it would be that indoor and so inside the comfort zone. Restaurants and areas we've been visiting are mostly Chinese and Taiwanese places. Mandarin Chinese is so visible and audible. We even had our lunch at a Taiwanese restaurant near San Gabriel. Bubba tea at Tian-Ren Tea Shop. This was totally out of my expectation. I didn't expect to experience Taiwan that often.
I've been thinking what's the point of getting inside one's cultural comfort zone when one's abroad, or living in a multi-ethnic society. Perhaps it's because of the cultural coalition with other cultures, it makes people tend to stick with people from their own culture, so it brings comfort and ease. I rarely speak American English now. It's so weird. It feels that I've never been outside of my culture and country. Well, but national boundaries scarcely exist under globalization. It's merely a view of perception.
But I can't fit in my cousin's friends. Their topics, their majors, their lives are so different. They talk about computer science, mechanic engineering, PhD lives, songs and entertainment culture from Taiwanese artists, Japanese animes, dramas music, and other Taiwanese grad students.
Frankly, I barely listened or immerse in Taiwanese entertainment culture while I was in Taiwan. I've been listening to Western and independent music throughout my life. I'm so culturally inclined to American and Western culture. While they talked about animes and Jap. artists, I felt so exclusive. Maybe it was due to my jet-lag so I felt tired. But their lifestyle is so different from mine, and I've found it difficult to find a topic to fit in. Isn't that odd? Feeling unfit among a group of people who come from my home country.
Met one of my cousin's friends at the dinner table yesterday. She noticed my leather wristband and asked me where did I get this and if that was a "rainbow" pattern on it. I replied that it was gift from friend. Not really answering her question cause there were others on the table too. If she asked me privately, I would answer differently. My radar caught her curious noticing throughout that night. Yet I was too tired to fake myself to be a social person. Instead, I spoke little and observed more, unless their topics hit my zone.
Planning to visit Hollywood and Santa Monica tomorrow. Yay! Let the rainbow rise!
Sunday, July 29, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 8:18:00 AM 0 個腳印
Los Angeles Day 2
So I finally paid a visit to Chase to open an account and made a deposit. It was so relieving to get rid off those travelers checks and cash. Declaring those TCs took me some time when I was getting through the border and costumes. Shaun was with me to the bank. Well, he's always with me these days. I'm even staying at his lab. It's fine and I have no complaints. But I just wonder when will I be able to visit Hollywood and Santa Monica. It must be the time when he's free too.
The banker at this Chase branch was nice. He explained a lot and tried to make sure that I knew my options, and he was funny too. Yet he said Shaun and I were funny. I guess it was because I spent lots of time signing those TCs... He surely knew how to kill time with humor. Got my debit card finally. They'll send me a 101 Dalmatians version a week later. Yet I haven't double-checked my address at UCSD with the housing office. So the card will be mailed to Shaun's place here at LA. And he'll mail it to me by then. That Dalmatians card is rather adorable.
We spent almost 3 hours at Chase for a new account. Then we headed for lunch at Soy, a sushi place nearby and downstairs of USC's dorm building. It's not that I am easily amazed / wowed, but there're so many pretty girls at USC. WTH. Everyone is legit to be on or UO catalogs. Shaun told me it'll be different at UCSD. Wonder how different and what's the difference will be.
Right now I'm so jet-lagged. It's 5 in the morning in Taiwan. I must not fall asleep, otherwise it'll be hard for me to get over the jet lag.
I'll go to get a prepaid card later. Hopefully I'll find some family plan members so I could get rid off my dumbphone and get a smartphone and a good plan.
Saturday, July 28, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 5:07:00 AM 0 個腳印
Los Angeles Day 1
今天下午去逛 Museum of Contermpory Art,因為每周四下午五點到八點免費!進去之後,發現展場小布拉基,我已經每幅畫、每個作品說明都看了,也駐足了,卻只花我一個小時...... 怎麼拖都拖不到七點半。於是只好去地下室的閱覽室翻書打發時間,拿了本安迪沃荷的自傳作品集,看著看著,忽然時差襲來,開始打盹......
七點半後,離開MOCA,和表哥與表哥的室友們去中國城吃三和燒臘。點了燒鴨撈麵,好油好鹹,喝了一口附的湯,啊幹,更鹹。只好喝上來的茶...... 這些人的腎和舌頭是鐵做的嗎?但是這樣一餐就噴了八塊四毛,含小費。清華水木燒臘其實也很好的。
然後今天上午就是跟嵩翰去 USC,哈哈,體驗大學校園。USC 超多正妹的!型男也多,但是跟布朗是不同的風格。這邊的型男比較粗曠、美式休閒、嬉皮。布朗的比較文青、斯文。但是 USC 的正妹真的不是蓋的!每個身材都很好,比例好,玲瓏有緻,裝扮又有個性。來這種地方上學一定會被影響到要立志變正的呀...... 不曉得UCSD有沒有這麼多正妹可以看......
Friday, July 27, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 1:04:00 PM 0 個腳印
LP - Someday [Live]
Friday, July 13, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 10:33:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
seriously thinking about turning off my facebook. it's so ridiculous how people in real life are connected through virtual medium which gives people so much comfort, expediency, and irresponsibility.
and it's become so natural that people forget the means of face-to-face communication and daily chit-chats with friends and families. i should redefine the importance of social networking sites to me. a platform for various, and sometimes chaotic information input? a forum that opens for debates from your friends? a source that you can track those people you've met or may not meet, you've known or may not know, you've felt close to or not? a space where you can store images as a print of memory? a place where you can rant about people and expect people to respond through commenting or more possibly, liking it?
what's my priority?
the only thing i'm certain right now is that i will definitely not spend so much of my life on facebook as soon as i get busier and more content about my life. it's not that i'm not satisfied with my current life. i just have a feeling that my future life will be so different, exciting, and challenging than my past. i should also adopt new ways of living to explore my potential and infinite possibility of being my true self.
logging on social networking sites, hanging there and expecting people's updates and responses are certainly not what i'm going to repeat as mistakes. besides, as long as life gets more complicated and mutual friends gets more and more entangled, privacy barely exists on facebook. i'd rather rant over someone face-to-face with pals i trust. i'd rather share pics of my life with my smart phone to my pals, instead of posting it online. i know there's privacy setting. but clicking and scrolling down those options sort of disable my freedom.
ah, life, full of twists and unexpectable shit.
Saturday, July 07, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 12:32:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Reflection
Tuesday, July 03, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:50:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Trivia
Sunday, July 01, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 8:52:00 PM 1 個腳印
categories: Reflection
反正本來平靜的心,看到那些話,又不開心。但想想,反正以後或許都見不著面,何必如此費心,想要勸自己看開點,不要過度聯想或者對號入座。但那些話真是刺眼...... 有些話我也可以說的,但我覺得這些事情根本不該公開,所以選擇沉默。但殊不知,要吵的有糖吃!
posted by Karina Sun @ 11:54:00 AM 1 個腳印
categories: College Life, Reflection
Olivia D´ Abo - Broken.wmv
Saturday, June 30, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:46:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Thursday, June 28, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 1:49:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Murmurings
quote from Shantarm
Monday, June 18, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 8:01:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Literature, Reflection
幹 我超厭世的啊
可能在大樓頂的邊緣 風一吹我可能就不小心隨風掉下去了
Sunday, June 17, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:05:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Hatred
媽的好煩 對我的生活厭倦了 想做一些新鮮的事
看膩了老面孔 受夠了一貫的生活
但一堆事要做 煩死了 幹 一堆怒氣和怨氣無法發洩
有時候機歪一個人卻不能說 因為常想其實是自己機歪
幹去吃屎吧 人生為何如此痛苦
posted by Karina Sun @ 10:47:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Hatred
posted by Karina Sun @ 9:46:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Hatred, Murmurings
Friday, June 15, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 10:43:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Funny and Interesting Stuff, Videos
我那麼注重於自己,以致於友人甲抱怨我「別人的事常常要說好幾次妳才會記得,說到我都不耐煩了」,可能就是因為自己太在意別人,但又怕得不到相同的在乎,所以反而退縮,變得只在乎自己...... 因為管好自己就可以免於讓自己受傷害。但事實證明,即使自己不受傷害,旁人還是會多少被傷害。
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 12:05:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Reflection
Woodkid - Run Boy Run (SebastiAn Remix)
Monday, June 11, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 8:22:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
其實就是太在乎、太敏感,所以選擇不願嘗試...... 我想這就是人參吧。但往往不表態,就是喪失機會和未來的可能性。讀《項塔蘭》讀到,愛是「單向的」,是付出之後不能要回報的東西、消逝就消逝的東西。其實不應該只限於愛,我覺得人的情感就是如此:複雜又不可捉摸。所以這種時候,選擇逃避是最簡單的。
posted by Karina Sun @ 7:08:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Reflection
my mom's been pushing me to date boys. yay, i'm probably old (23 this mid June) but it doesn't mean i'm not popular, alright? it depends on which direction and priority i go! STOP PUSHING ME, OKAY?! seriously, don't you even know "don't ask, don't tell"? GRRRRHHHHHHHH! i so want to come out of this.
Sunday, June 10, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 4:57:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Murmurings
Björk and PJ Harvey- Satisfaction
Saturday, June 09, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 7:39:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Nirvana - All Apologies (Sound Remedy Remix)
Sunday, June 03, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 8:49:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
The Cataracs - All You (feat. Waka Flocka & Kaskade) (Official)
Thursday, May 31, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:50:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Ellie Goulding - High For This (The Weeknd Cover)
posted by Karina Sun @ 11:40:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Ratatat- Nine Beats- Five
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:52:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Nicki minaj - starships ( Daniel Ngo Remix )
posted by Karina Sun @ 8:48:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Nicki Minaj - Starships (Reidiculous Electro Remix)
posted by Karina Sun @ 8:39:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
POLICA - Wandering Star (Official Music Video)
posted by Karina Sun @ 7:18:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Midlake - Roscoe (Beyond The Wizard's Sleeve Remix)
Monday, May 28, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:59:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Austra - Beat And The Pulse (Original Full-Length Version)
posted by Karina Sun @ 1:06:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
還有好多事情沒有做...... 只有在面臨深淵時,才會抬頭仰望天空的燦爛千陽。
我就要和好友別離了,一別不知何年何夕相見。自高中畢業五年至今,我也只回去看過學校老師一次...... 我這種個性,唉,有些孤僻,但又相信真正的情誼總會在離別幾年後,絲毫不改地在相見那刻、眼神遇上那刻,重新浮上心頭。所以在我的定義之下,我世界中的好朋友屈指可數。大部分是點頭之交,但這幾年又有了「臉書之交」:大概就介於陌生人和點頭之交之間,是那種在路上遇到,會想要當作沒看到以避免接下來不知要接什麼話的尷尬場面的那類。
Wednesday, May 23, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:20:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Reflection
Chillstep Dubstep Passing Time Mix
Sunday, May 20, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:43:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
- 有時人的存在不就是掙一口氣?為了自尊和自信而堅持。看到一些臉書朋友都申請上各領域的頂尖研究所,我內心就會心有不甘,升出一股氣,想拚看看約翰霍普金斯的候補。但又想到我在聖地牙哥會有朋友先帶我四處逛逛,學校旁又是美麗的海岸和沙灘,加州更是生活聖地、戶外天堂。怎麼說好像都比較適合我的個性?學費也便宜多了,住宿也便宜;而且把這些錢省下來可以去墨西哥和中美洲趴趴走!
- 最近在看項塔蘭。它是本滿有意義的書,深入地刻劃人生哲學卻又不落窠臼,也不會讓人不知所云。看著看著,頗有感觸呀。
- 看了愛和繼承人生。原來郭彩潔講話是那樣啊,天啊,都是個成年人了講話怎麼還像貓一樣在那邊叫呢?受不了。但片中人是滿正的啦。喔,還有,在布朗認識的點頭之交,他那時跟我說他有回台灣幫忙鈕承澤的一部新片,因為他爸是攝影師。我後來知道他說的是這部,所以看製作團隊時特別注意「攝影」字樣的。結果,你知怎麼地,他爸竟然超有名!我本來還不知道他爸超有名,還是去估狗後才知道!他爸是李屏賓!一看那些照片,他果然跟他爸有像!至於繼承人生嘛,感想就是夏威夷好漂亮、片中喬治克隆尼的大女兒身材超好、喬治克隆尼有帥演技好。完全是部看演技的片。
- 啊,以上兩部還不如「詭屋」好看咧!是部不落俗套的驚悚恐怖片!
- 從以上看來,似乎最近生活很文青,但我也只是滿宅的。而且又不知為何,懶懶的不是很想去運動,唉,好糟。天氣不是熱死就是濕死,真難提起興致。
Saturday, May 19, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 8:32:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Trivia
我其實很想吶喊美牛進口後不要吃就好了啊!反正美牛不過赴美免簽一定過不了囉~ 還想什麼中美韓FTA台灣也想加一腳
posted by Karina Sun @ 5:24:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Current Events
Kaskade Live At Coachella 2012 - Free DL in Description
posted by Karina Sun @ 3:44:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Flight Facilities - Crave You ft. Giselle (Version 2)
Thursday, May 17, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:36:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
TREVOR HALL - Brand New Day - acoustic MoBoogie Loft Session
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 8:43:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Damien Rice - Under the Tongue
Sunday, May 13, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 1:54:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
will ya stop mind-fucking me? will ya? will ya?
honestly, your image lingers in my head whenever you're possibly around and spotted by me!
posted by Karina Sun @ 12:46:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Murmurings
Somebody That I Used To Know - Pentatonix (Gotye cover)
Thursday, May 10, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 10:00:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
When You Were Young (Live From The Royal Albert Hall)
Sunday, May 06, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 10:35:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
when i see you my heartbeat accelerates; i don't know where to put my eyes; i feel blushed; my mind stops; i have to strive to talk, and i want to know if you feel the same.
Monday, April 30, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:27:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Murmurings
Kaya Scodelario Interview - Wuthering Heights & Skins Movie - London Fil...
Saturday, April 28, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:57:00 PM 0 個腳印
The Temper Trap - Science of Fear [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
posted by Karina Sun @ 11:37:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Nina Simone - Love Me Or Leave Me
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 1:55:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Trevor Hall - Mirror of the Sky - With Lyrics
Mirror of the sky
What is on your mind
I've been waiting for a sign
In this hide and seek
Will we ever meet
Remove the dust from my eyes
When the daylight comes
I can't see the sun
I can only feel the rain
Is my heart at war
Well I don't know for sure
As I kiss the lion's mane
Tell me what's the cost
Oh for being lost
Can I ever pay the price
For I have lost the reigns
All my horses are insane
A blind man rolls my dice
I knew all along
The silence in the song
Was the map to take me home
Well I kept listening
But lord I kept missing it
And now I'm stuck at the crossroads
Do you remember when the oceans sang in hymns
Do you remember when the stars used to play
Do you remember when we used to share our food
Well I do every second of the day
Have you ever wondered what's behind the sun
Have you ever thought of kissing the moon's rays
Do you remember when we used to dream without any fear
Well I do every second of the day
Monday, April 23, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:44:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Bon Iver - I Can't Make You Love Me/Nick of Time
Sunday, April 22, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:38:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
希望能瘦到大腿近臀部的後方走路時不會有橘皮組織 以上
Saturday, April 21, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 5:07:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Wish
misunderstood. - a short documentary on skateboarding in new york city
misunderstood. from NY Skateboarding on Vimeo.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:35:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Current Events, U S and A, Videos
Pot Legalization Could Save U.S. $13.7 Billion Per Year, 300 Economists Say
posted by Karina Sun @ 11:16:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Current Events, U S and A, Videos
Human Nature Official Video | Uh Huh Her
Tuesday, April 17, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:40:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Eminem - Mockingbird
Sunday, April 15, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 10:06:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Meiko | Leave The Lights On (Official Music Video)
Friday, April 13, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 2:27:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Adele - Rolling in the deep (Live Royal Albert Hall)
Monday, April 09, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:04:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
每次回家都胖兩公斤,只好回新竹再花一個禮拜瘦兩公斤;好不容易降到可以繼續再往下健身的時候,又要回家,所以又變胖,又要砍調重練。這樣一直持續,有完沒完啊...... 根本瘦不下來啊!
Wednesday, April 04, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 10:33:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Murmurings
Sunday, April 01, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:23:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Murmurings
March's reflection
I'm happy to be who I am now. Because of these characteristics, I'm able to observe more, sense more, feel more, and express more. I'm able to have these talents in arts, appreciations, and sports. If I wasn't born with my sentiment, my sharp observation, and the way I am now, I wouldn't be able to achieve what I have achieved, to do what I have had courage to do, and to be where I have been. It's a very subtle yet keen recognition. I'm happy that I'm finally feeling confident for myself, for my existence, for my past.
posted by Karina Sun @ 11:16:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Reflection
Aeroplane, Steve Angello & Mylo - Drop The Superstar Knas
Saturday, March 31, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 8:51:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Hardcore truth
Who are you to judge people without knowing them?
Monday, March 26, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 1:00:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Reflection
i hate you
i didn't ask for your approval. i was seeking for support. but you turned your back on me and that just kicked me to the pit.
Sunday, March 25, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 8:08:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Hatred
什麼以後自己工作再去.............. 這根本是兩門子的事情,為什麼要扯進來?
posted by Karina Sun @ 7:46:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Reflection
Saturday, March 24, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:32:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Current Events
- (做香草香蕉Reese's巧克力蛋糕)+(感謝卡)*3 以謝謝老師
- 跑步跑步跑步訓練訓練訓練 - 四月七號的13K路跑
- 去九份玩
- 去中壢玩和吃牛肉麵
- 看翁山蘇姬
- 看海豹部隊
- 看飢餓遊戲 國際影城
- 看鞋貓劍客 二輪
- 四月中去尼泊爾?
posted by Karina Sun @ 2:04:00 PM 0 個腳印
Master of Pacific International Affairs, School of International Relations and Pacific Studies (IR/PS), UC San Diego.
根據USA News的說法,它在國際政治領域研究所排名全美第六,一到五分別是:Princeton (#1)、Stanford (#1)、Harvard (#3)、Columbia (#4)、Uni. of Michigan, Ann Arbor 。
被候補的 Johns Hopkins 反而是第十七。但整體而言,Johns Hopkins 名字好聽、又是私校,而且它的 School of Advanced International Studies 在華府,以後要找實習很容易,地理位置方便,離政治經濟中心和東部大都會相當有優勢。而且在東岸,有時候可買到便宜機票,一飛就到歐洲了......
問題就在它學費太貴..... 加上生活費要比UCSD高個幾十萬吧。雖然說UC系統的學費一直都很不便宜......
現在疑似UCSD有給我獎學金的機會,但是我不肯定,因為我覺得也有可能是我閱讀能力有問題,理解錯了它訊息裡的意思。但可以肯定的是我被錄取了,只是根據之前面試人員說的,我七月就會被要求過去上 Prep. courses,這裡指的是統計課。
但UCSD的另一個好處就是它在美麗的海邊...... 完美的海岸線可以去衝浪和趴板,還有鄰近Tijuana,可以放假跑去墨西哥或中美洲玩樂。又可以往上開到洛杉磯都會區,再開還可以到灣區、更北邊的優勝美地..... 每年的不曉得幾月,在內華達州還有 Burning Man Festival,完全是嘻皮的盛會,這種東西怎麼可以錯過呢?
重點在學院裡有個 Institute of Laws and Regulations(?),是位美麗的教授主持的計畫,研究發展中國家的法律和制度,試圖從中分析出獨裁者奪權的理論,等等等。那個教授是 Stanford 畢業的。當初準備面試時,研究了一下學院的教職人員,發現有滿多有趣的東西,這些學術的發展才是我的重點!
其實我有幻想過:讀完 UCSD 碩士後,看能不能申請 Stanford 博士,然後就可以待在美麗的灣區了。
雖然說約翰霍普金斯大學的名聲真的是一拿出來就砍死很多人...... 加州大學聖地牙哥分校,大家都還會問妳 UCSD 是南加大(USC)嗎?還是是.... UC...What? SD 是什麼的縮寫?
唉,UC 也太多了,難怪外行人搞不清楚。UC Davis、UC Berkeley、UC San Francsico、UC Santa Cruz、UC Santa Barbara、UC Irvine、UC San Diego,我還有漏掉什麼嗎?
但那麼多學校裡,可能也只有見識多的人才知道 UC San Francisco (UCSF) 的醫學和生物科技非常有名地好吧?是全美公立學校裡的地一把交椅,僅次於哈佛、約翰霍普金斯大學。UC Berkeley 的法學、商學、社會學、性別研究、工學院也非常有名,這大概就不用多說。
而 UC San Diego 有全加州大學系統裡唯一的國際關係學院(UC Berkeley 只有政治學),而且地理位置和歷史淵源和亞洲、太平洋脫離不了關係。亞太區域已經是未來的焦點所在,選擇 UCSD 一定不會比約翰霍普金斯差。但外行人不清楚這點。
所以我來替自己辯護一下:UCSD 的國際關係很好的!
我想要怒吃墨西哥菜、怒衝浪、怒加入LGBTQ Resource Center的QxN和酷酷的人們一起玩戶外運動!
萬一Johns Hopkins被我備到怎麼辦?
我可能還是要先比一下學費開支和其他好處吧...... 一個是標準的西岸生活,另一個是標準的東岸生活,差有點多!
posted by Karina Sun @ 1:05:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Murmurings, Reflection, U S and A
Gus Gus - Deep Inside
Thursday, March 22, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 12:25:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
darn it
freaking wait-listed by johns hopkins darn please wish me luck luck luck luck luck luck luck luck luck luck i have only few options at hand now how should i play or should i just leave the table i am so hesitant and anxious about the only pending grad program which has been the last among all the others the decision should come out this week freaking week but i am still waiting why is it so slow i am literally panicking over the result now because others' decisions have broken my heart and it is too weak to be torn apart again seriously i have no expectation now since i am almost ready for the worst situation am i how i wish all other admitted applicants would go to other programs and leave enough space for me to be not on the wait list but an enrolled ma student arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh luckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
posted by Karina Sun @ 12:24:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Murmurings, Wish
Death In Vegas - Your Loft My Acid (Fearless Transhouse Mix Long)
Wednesday, March 21, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:43:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:32:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Murmurings, Wish
Saturday, March 17, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 8:59:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life
posted by Karina Sun @ 2:10:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Murmurings, Music, Trivia
Geneva 2012: The World Premiere of the new Porsche Boxster
Monday, March 12, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 2:51:00 PM 0 個腳印
Sunday, March 11, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:29:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Hatred, Murmurings
Agnes - Who Loves The Sun (House Mix)
Friday, March 09, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 10:28:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
some updates
- Woke up at 7 and done a morning swim for an hour
- Woke up at 6:30 and done a morning swim for an hour and half
- Done a webcam interview with a grad school admission staff
- Need to do my Principles of Economics assignment
- Thinking to go to that nice cafe (Ink Coffee) downtown for some Belgium beer while doing my assignment (Must bring my laptop cause they've got free wifi)
Wednesday, March 07, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 12:36:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life
Quotation of the day
“People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”
— Albert Einstein
posted by Karina Sun @ 12:29:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Reflection
POLICA - Amongster (Official Music Video)
Sunday, March 04, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 10:24:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Bob Sinclar feat. Raffaella Carrà "Far l'Amore" - OFFICIAL VIDEO
Saturday, March 03, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:17:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Saturday, February 25, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 4:20:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life
what a performance!
Thursday, February 23, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:45:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Adele - Rolling In The Deep (Live at the BRIT Awards 2012)
posted by Karina Sun @ 9:38:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Kristen Bell's Sloth Meltdown
posted by Karina Sun @ 2:09:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Funny and Interesting Stuff
Kristen Bell's Sloth Gets Auto-tuned!
posted by Karina Sun @ 2:09:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Funny and Interesting Stuff
ST TPE gathering
Wednesday, February 22, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 10:15:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life
so want to do it
my friend is organizing for a trip to Everest Base Camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG that would be the only chance in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'd really want to go but my parents won't let me... how should i persuade them? i'm thinking to see this trip as a gift for myself IF i receive the offer from my ideal grad school.
i'm mentally orgasmed
Monday, February 20, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 8:58:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Wish
Mandolin Concerto By Avner Dorman. Soloist: Avi Avital, Metropolis Ensem...
Sunday, February 19, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 7:48:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
POLICA - Lay Your Cards Out (Official Music Video)
Friday, February 17, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 7:28:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Zola Jesus - Seekir
Monday, February 13, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:42:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
i'm so fucking fat and ugly... but i just can't stop eating. neither can i cultivate a jogging habit. by habit i mean a really sustainable one. at least 1 year.
what the fuck. i'm so useless. i'm only good at being lazy and complaining about this pathetic society.
see? i'm complaining and implementing my judgement in it again.
posted by Karina Sun @ 2:59:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Murmurings
The Temper Trap - Love Lost [Official Video HD]
Wednesday, February 08, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 12:59:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Laura Marling-Hope In The Air (BBC6 Session)
Tuesday, February 07, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:23:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
Portishead - Machine Gun
Monday, February 06, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 4:54:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
you know yourself best, so don't let yourself down!
if that thing's been up in your mind so long, then it must be sorted out.
you might hesitate for the coming results, whether it'll be worse or not, but it must be done!
life is short. you live only once. just do it or else you'll be stuck in the same situation and doubting over and over again.
get it done, and you'll be free, momentarily.
posted by Karina Sun @ 12:17:00 AM 0 個腳印
Ida Maria - See Me Through
Sunday, February 05, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:59:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Music
life is a total fuck
didn't know life would be this hard until the truth was realized and accepted. only if humans could be fed and satisfied by dreams and dreams only... then would there be no more harm and disappointment. an utopia where people may take whatever they deserve, and live their short life to its utmost - because our existence is too short to be marked on the history of this universe.
Saturday, February 04, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 3:15:00 AM 0 個腳印
irish coffee
a cup of irish coffee at 3ish PM made me awake like this.
will i die young and alone?
posted by Karina Sun @ 3:11:00 AM 0 個腳印
Thursday, February 02, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:18:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Murmurings
Behind Photographs from Tim Mantoani on Vimeo.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 2:05:00 PM 0 個腳印
Birdy - Skinny Love [Official Video]
Sunday, January 29, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:42:00 PM 0 個腳印
i wish i was born deaf
I wish I was born deaf
So I could not hear
The roaring of anger,
The tears of heartbreaks,
And the delusion of a family
that was once or never
Happily ever after.
It was a game of decibel--
The louder you shouted
The deeper you stabbed.
Everyone was loser;
Winner got it all--
The fury, the pain, and
The disappointment.
I wish I was born deaf
Except before someone could
Enlighten me the importance or
Meaning of human relations.
I wish I was born deaf
So that I could never bear
The sword of words and
The blood of tears.
posted by Karina Sun @ 7:43:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Literature, Reflection
Tracy Chapman - Fast Car
I wanna a ticket to anywhere
Maybe we make a deal
Maybe together we can get somewhere
Any place is better
Starting from zero, got nothing to lose
Maybe we'll make something
Me, myself, I've got nothing to prove
You've got a fast car
I've got a plan to get us out of here
Been working at the convenience store
Managed to save just a little bit of money
Won't have to drive too far
Just cross the border and into the city
You and I can both get jobs
And finally see what it means to be living
See my old man's got a problem
Live with the bottle, that's the way it is
He says his body's too old for working
His body's too young, to look like his
When mama went off and left him
She wanted more from life than he could give
I said somebody's got to take care of him
So I quit school and that's what I did
You've got a fast car
Is it fast enough so we can fly away?
We gotta make a decision
Leave tonight or live and die this way
Say remember when we were driving, driving in your car
Speed so fast it felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged
I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You've got a a fast car
We go cruising entertain ourselves
You still ain't got a job
Now I work in the market as a checkout girl
I know things will get better
You'll find work and I'll get promoted
We'll move out of the shelter
Buy a bigger house and live in the suburbs
Say remember when we were driving, driving in your car
Speeds so fast it felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged
I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You've got a fast car
I've got a job that pays all our bills
You stay out drinking late at the bar
See more of your friends than you do of your kids
I'd always hoped for better
Thought maybe together you and me'd find it
I got no plans and I ain't going nowhere
So take your fast car and keep on driving
Say remember when we were driving, driving in your car
Speeds so fast it felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder
And I had a feeling that I belonged
I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You've got a fast car
Is it fast enough so you can fly away?
You gotta make a decision
Leave tonight or live and die this way
posted by Karina Sun @ 10:28:00 PM 0 個腳印
Fast Car - Tracy Chapman (Kina Grannis & Boyce Avenue acoustic cover) on...
posted by Karina Sun @ 10:21:00 PM 0 個腳印
[Scenario 1]
So I was rewatching Million Dollar Baby this afternoon while one of my relatives walked into the living room.
"Oh, boxing?"
"Yes." (Isn't it obvious?)
"Girls usually don't like boxing movies."
"(Trying to decipher the inference)"
I don't understand why a movie / sport preference has anything to do with gender. I mean, Million Dollar Baby is a great movie, and it's even more like a drama genre instead of typical sport movies... And excuse me, I'm a girl and I love this kind of inspiring, hot-blooded, and touching boxing / sport / adventure movie. So am I uncommon or what?
[Scenario 2]
So relatives were asking me my grad school plans when we were having lunches, having a supposed-to-be-carefree afternoon walk, and having our dinners. They kept persuading me to study MBA and other sorts of fields which they regarded as "practical." Then they started to infer or comment on those I'd applied as "future unemployment" or "scarcely promising in the future of Taiwan."
I am so perplexed... Ain't I the one who's going to study? I thought I was old enough to make my own decisions regarding to studies and life events...
[Very inspiring conclusion]
I freaking <3<3<3 holidays when I have to be interrogated by relatives whom I rarely meet, and I have to explain myself to them even though I do nothing wrong.
posted by Karina Sun @ 12:04:00 AM 0 個腳印
one of my acquaintances just got the admission from London School of Economics. my applications are still pending. the result will come out in march and april. i had two cups of americano yesterday afternoon so i couldn't fall asleep last night. i yawned for 400 times i guessed. my mind was drifting. i thought of what it'd be in march and april.
my heartbeat accelerated.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 10:50:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life
winter vacation resolution!
- lose weight
- lose weight
- lose weight
- lose weight
- get fit
- get fit
- get fit
- get fit
- tighten my thighs
- tighten my thighs
- tighten my thighs
- tighten my thighs
- minimize my ass
- minimize my ass
- minimize my ass
- minimize my ass
posted by Karina Sun @ 1:58:00 AM 0 個腳印
categories: Wish
better, it gets
posted by Karina Sun @ 12:12:00 AM 0 個腳印
Sunday, January 22, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:26:00 PM 0 個腳印
sometimes i do feel holiday season is suffocating. maybe it's because there is a lack of understanding and too much expectation in the air.
posted by Karina Sun @ 9:02:00 PM 0 個腳印
Gotye- Lyrics- Somebody That I Used To Know (feat. Kimbra)
Friday, January 20, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:14:00 PM 0 個腳印
is that we can only offer fresh for diplomacy and international soft power. wtf. even a brainless person could be picked? what's wrong with that screening process? omg. omg. omg. omg. i seriously wish that she could know what she would be facing and would withdraw NOW.
Thursday, January 19, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:22:00 PM 0 個腳印
Lisa Hannigan - The Making of Passenger
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:59:00 PM 0 個腳印
Alexandra Stan - Mr. Saxo Beat (Dj Amor Remix)
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 12:44:00 AM 0 個腳印
old friends!
Monday, January 16, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 9:58:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Photography
Happiest moment of January so far
Sunday, January 15, 2012 | posted by Karina Sun @ 11:38:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: College Life, Photography
有人說馬英九是「台灣第一位香港出生的男總統」嗎?若台灣能選出第一位女性總統,我相信一定會是東亞的民主之光。但是再再強調「女總統」以及「台灣人」、「台灣意識」,以及「公平正義」...... 我感覺到只是劃分性別、劃分族群、劃分階級。
posted by Karina Sun @ 6:58:00 PM 0 個腳印
categories: Current Events
"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

-- Plotinus