maybe next time...

i think umm... i'll just get this kind of haircut while i'm getting fitter :S

I really like this hair, with a wavy curve on it, just like a greek or roman statue..

look at her hair not her tits, dude!

And here comes natalie portman

i remember she had this cut for her film 'v for vendetta'

and these anonymous two... hehehe i don't know, but it's kinda cool

yeah, my goal of july is to get fit and slim and athletic sexy, yeah baby... fit & slim
but umm... i'm gonna set out to ghana on august 2, how can i suspose to do to get this mission 'impossible' accomplished?
oh, c'mon, don't lose faith of yourself, dear k.
you're gonna make it through perfectly! yeah?

yeah, probably... gotta sleep yo

0 個腳印:

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."

"Nature is but an image or imitation of wisdom, the last thing of the soul."
-- Plotinus